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About Chris Banweg


Born in Akron, Ohio and a Hudson resident for the last 13 years.  Chris is a husband and father who appreciates the value of the city of Hudson and what it represents for its residents.

Invested in the community and passionate about serving, Chris is a man of integrity who represent the interests of the community.


  • Director of Strategy and Operations
  • Patriot who has served the nation and will continue to serve his community

  • Collaborative in solutions, we all live here together


Chris Banweg is a business executive and a Colonel in the Marine Corps Reserve. In the private sector, Chris has held high-level posts in a wide range of industries, including financial services, manufacturing, and he currently works in the healthcare field.


For over 20 years Chris has balanced both active military service as well as a prolific corporate career.  Chris is a proven leader who has been thoroughly tested in challenging and complex environments.  He is a decorated Marine Officer who has lead servicemen and women from all branches through three combat deployments, and he continues his service to our country through his reserve duty.  Chris knows what it means to both lead and serve. Beyond the battlefield, Chris has spent decades in the business world managing resources effectively to grow businesses and deliver results. Chris has a passion for excellence and working towards a better future for our community.


During his time in reserve service with the Marine Corps, Chris was deployed three times; once to Afghanistan and twice to Iraq and the Middle East. His joint service deployments include stints with various Special Operations Commands. Chris currently serves in a disaster response role in the Marine Corps Reserve. Chris continued his commitment to the community by running for City Council in his hometown of Hudson, where he was the top vote-getter in the 2021 at-large Council election. Since joining City Council, Chris has fought to reinforce civility, reduce property taxes and devote more resources to rebuilding or expanding the city’s infrastructure, such as stormwater systems, water, and roads.


The Banweg family fled Communist Yugoslavia after World War II, and his family’s escape from authoritarianism has informed his lifetime of citizen leadership and public service. After facing the perils of Communist leadership, his grandparents settled in Summit County, where Chris grew up.


Chris is a devoted husband and father of three children.  Chris and his family moved to Hudson right when their daughter was starting kindergarten and have loved raising their family here.  He has witnessed the care and involvement of the Hudson community, which inspired him to run in the first place.  Chris appreciates the value that Hudson is for individuals and families alike.  He values the commitment to excellence that is displayed throughout Hudson, from the schools and community organizations to the historic downtown district and local businesses.


Advocate for Residents

Hudson has both historic and natural appeal. Residents and visitors alike view Hudson as a beautiful small town of historical significance with friendly neighbors and an active community.


Delivering Results for the Community - "Promises made and promises kept" When I ran for council in 2020 I said I would investigate our infrastructure and prioritize it for investment while navigating historic levels of inflation and avoiding tax increases by the city.  Our roads now maintain some of the highest scores in the state, there are miles of new sidewalks connecting our neighborhoods, a place where our children can walk safely to their friends or even downtown, like many of us.  We are also addressing the long forgotten need for a new Public Works building, a Fire & EMS building and staffing model, and an expansion of High Speed internet fiber to our residents without a tax levy or increase.  With the help of new city staff leaders we have certainly raised the bar on planning and delivering capital projects that are prioritized by our residents.

There are countless items we've addressed in the last three years, but I know we're responding to residents needs by the 94.1% satisfaction from Hudson residents.


Representing the People - Residents must feel like their voice is heard in the management of their city.  I am the choice for your voice. As a proven leader in both business and national service, I recognize and value the thoughts and opinions of those I represent. I have a record of integrity and commitment to seeking and sharing truth respectfully.  I will continue to be an honest representative for your voice, sharing information and actively listening to the resident response on issues.


Responsible Spending - Fiscal responsibility is crucial to investing in our basic infrastructure, public safety, and responsibly managing new development.  Transparent city spending reinforces sustainable city management that balancing development and the foundational requirements of the city. Management of current resources should be clearly understood and visible to the residents of the community.  Fiber to the home was initially proposed with an $18-22M tax levy required to provide it.  With the principle of not increasing taxes and some good business practices, we're now planning the expansion so that it self-funds and there is no tax levy required to deliver it.


Respecting Hudson's Character & Appeal - Thoughtful development strategies can preserve the charming character for future generations and preserve our community legacy while engaging with our advancing world using sound investment principles and proper resource management.




Support for Chris Banweg is support for excellence in Hudson's city government.


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